LIVE WEB - Gold Standard Communication with Clients and Colleagues

ISBA’s Practice Toolbox Series
Presented by the Illinois State Bar Association

Live Webcast
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

1.0 hour MCLE credit, including 1.0 hour approved Professional Responsibility MCLE credit in the following category: Professionalism, Civility, or Legal Ethics credit

To borrow a phrase from the old AT&T commercials, today there are more ways than ever to reach out and touch someone. Never mind phones, cell phones, and voicemail. Today, how might a client or colleague reach you? Email, your website, your client portal, a chat message (…via texting, Slack, or Teams, etc.), a web meeting (…was it on Google Meet, Teams, WebEx, or Zoom), or even via social media (…did it come from LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Twitter, etc.). How you use and manage these “channels” makes them either fortuitous or frustrating, a benefit or a boondoggle. Each channel has benefits and drawbacks. In this seminar, you’ll learn technologies and techniques that will improve communication, lower your stress, generate happier clients, and lower your malpractice risk. We’ll detail: 1) which platforms work best for different needs, 2) organizational strategies to handle the flow of information, and 3) effective tools for communicating with clients and colleagues remotely.

Program Speaker:
Danielle DavisRoe, Affinity Consulting Group

About the Speaker: Danielle’s many responsibilities at Affinity include training, CLE/speaking, writing, and management consulting. Prior to joining the Affinity family, Danielle practiced family law. She discovered, however, that she enjoyed making efficient use of technology more than practicing law, making her a perfect fit for consulting. Danielle describes her superpower as “herding cats,” and her favorite parts of her job are making others’ jobs and lives easier..