LIVE - Operation Greylord Revisited: An Insider's Perspective CLE Program

Part of the “Judicial Independence: The Bulwark of our Democracy –
Celebrate Our Past, Defend It Today” IJA Morning Program
Presented by the Illinois State Bar Association and Illinois Judges Association
Complimentary Program

Illinois State Library
300 S. Second Street, Rooms 403/404, Springfield
Thursday, May 9, 2024
CLE Program: 9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Complimentary Lunch: 12:15 – 1:15 p.m.

2.0 hours MCLE credit, including 2.0 hours approved Professional Responsibility MCLE credit in the following category: Professionalism, Civility, Legal Ethics, or Sexual Harassment Prevention credit

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Terrence Hake as he describes how the FBI, IRS, U.S. Postal Service, Chicago Police Department, and Illinois State Police all worked together under “Operation Greylord” to root out judicial corruption in Cook County during the 1980s. An overview of pension fund solvency and retirement benefits is also provided by Judge VandeWiele.

Program Coordinators:
Hon. Donald D. Bernardi (ret.), Normal
Hon. John P. Coady (ret.), Taylorville

9:30 – 9:35 a.m. Welcome and Introductions (No MCLE credit)
Hon. David K. Overstreet, Illinois Supreme Court, President – Illinois Judges’ Association, Mt. Vernon

9:35 – 10:05 a.m. Retirement Benefits Updates (No MCLE credit)
Join us for an update on the pension fund and retirement benefits by Judge Mark VandeWiele prior to the CLE program.
Hon. Mark A. VandeWiele (ret.), Rock Island

10:05 – 10:15 a.m. Break

10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Operation Greylord Revisited: An Insider’s Perspective*
(2.0 hours MCLE credit, including 2.0* hour Professionalism Responsibility MCLE credit)
Listen as former FBI Undercover Attorney Terrence Hake discusses the history of the Operation Greylord Investigation of the Circuit Court of Cook County. The presentation relates how Operation Greylord began after a bribe was thought to have been paid to a judge to acquit a Chicago mafia hitman. The FBI then decided that the only way to attack the corruption in the Courts was to initiate an undercover case. This presentation includes a look at many of the judges and attorneys convicted in federal court. Mr. Hake takes the audience from the beginning of Operation Greylord to the eventual retrial of the hitman in 1997. The Greylord Story is still a relevant ethical lesson for the legal profession in 2024.
Terrence Hake, Attorney at Law, Winnetka

12:15 – 1:15 – Lunch Provided for CLE Program Attendees
Illinois State Museum Atrium

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Program Information

  • Please Note: MCLE credit is available to registrants only on the day of this live event – and you must attend the entire program to earn MCLE credit. All registrants will receive access to a recording of the event a few days after the program, but credit is NOT available for the recording.
  • From time to time at ISBA CLE events, the ISBA, it’s vendor partners, or others may take photographs or video of participants, attendees, and guests for use in their marketing or promotional materials or news publications. By registering for this event, you are consenting to the use of your, and your guests’, photograph, video-recorded likeness, and name without compensation. Any photographs or video taken will be the sole property of the ISBA or entity taking the photograph.