LIVE - 6th Annual Abraham Lincoln's Legal Legacy: Lessons for Today's Lawyers - Democracy, The Constitution, and Lincoln the Lawyer/President

This program has reached capacity and is now closed for registration. Walk-in registrations will not be accepted. A recording of this program will be put in our On Demand catalog approximately 4-6 weeks weeks after the program date.
Presented by the Illinois State Bar Association
Co-sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Association

Friday, September 6, 2024
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
212 N 6th Street, Springfield*
CLE Program: 8:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Optional Walking Tour: 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

6.0 hours MCLE credit, including 5.0 hours approved Professional Responsibility MCLE credit in the following category: Professionalism, Civility, Legal Ethics, or Sexual Harassment Prevention credit
Special thanks to Spears Dispute Resolution LLC for sponsoring this program and giving us the opportunity to host this program at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.

Don’t miss ISBA’s 6 th Annual Abraham Lincoln’s Legal Legacy seminar as we study Lincoln’s actions as a lawyer and President in facing threats to democracy in America and the United States Constitution. The program takes place in Springfield, which was the center of Lincoln’s law practice and three partnerships, and where Lincoln developed his understanding of the democratic process and his interpretation of the Constitution. It was the venue for many of Lincoln’s significant trials, including the “Peachy” Quinn Harrison murder trial. Join us for this in-depth look at how Lincoln’s view of the Constitution changed over time and evolved into the use of his Presidential
War Powers to advance the case of Union and emancipation. Additional topics include:
  • Lincoln’s representation in the high-profile “Peachy” Quinn Harrison murder trial. (Robert Hitt, a court stenographer at the time, recorded the trial and produced a trial transcript, which is now preserved at the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum);
  • The 1908 Springfield Race Riot and how its violence and aftermath showed the nation that Lincoln’s struggle for freedom and equality for all citizens was far from a reality;
  • How the 1909 Centennial Celebration of Lincoln’s birth resulted in no minorities attending the festivities and how, at the same time in New York City, concerned citizens formed the NAACP to discuss and address racism and white supremacy in the U.S.;
  • The current ethical issues facing attorneys, including lawyer-client privilege, confidentiality concerns, and limits on lawyers and litigants’ speech during trials;
  • How future lawyers can research Lincoln’s legal career and cases;
  • What current and future lawyers can learn from Lincoln’s legal legacy; and
  • Much more.

Program Coordinators:
J. Steven Beckett, Steve Beckett Law Office LLC, Urbana
Hon. Ronald D. Spears (ret.), Spears Dispute Resolution LLC, Taylorville

8:45 – 9:00 a.m. Welcome and Overview

9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Lincoln’s Evolving Views on the Constitution as Lawyer and President*
The program’s opening segment examines Lincoln’s loyalty to the rule of law and commitment to democracy and the rights enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, while at the same tine operating under a Constitution that protected slavery.
Prof. Brian Dirck, Anderson University, Indiana

10:00 – 10:15 a.m. Break (beverages provided)

10:15 – 11:15 a.m. Lincoln and the “Peachy” Quinn Harrison Murder Trial*
In 1859, a former law clerk of Lincoln’s was murdered, but Lincoln defended the accused, who happened to be the grandson of Reverend Peter Cartwright (who had run against Lincoln for office twice) and the son of a prominent political supporter. Don’t miss this in-depth look at one of Lincoln’s most high profile trials.
Guy C. Fraker, Attorney and Author, Bloomington

11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 1908 Springfield Race Riot
This segment examines the events leading up to racial violence in Lincoln’s Hometown in August 1908, as well as its aftermath.
Kathryn Harris Former Division Manager of Library Services of Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum and Past-President of Abraham Lincoln Association

12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch (on your own)

1:15 – 2:15 p.m. Contemporary Ethical Issues*
Join us for a discussion on the ethical issues facing lawyers today, including lawyer-client confidences, confidentiality requirements, restrictions on speech by lawyers and clients during trial, and more.
Melissa A. Smart, Director of Education, Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission, Chicago

2:15 – 3:15 p.m. Looking for Lawyer Lincoln? How Future Lawyers Can Access Lincoln’s Legal Cases, Papers, and Career*
John Lupton, Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission, Springfield

3:15 – 3:30 p.m. Break (refreshments provided)

3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Lincoln’s Legacy as Lawyer/President*
This panel presentation discusses what current and future generations of lawyers can learn from Abraham Lincoln as a lawyer and a President.
Moderator: Hon. Ronald D. Spears(ret.), Spears Dispute Resolution LLC, Taylorville
J. Steven Beckett, Steve Beckett Law Office LLC, Urbana
Prof. Brian Dirck, Anderson University, Indiana
Guy C. Fraker, Attorney and Author, Bloomington
John Lupton, Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission, Springfield

4:30 p.m. Optional Lincoln Walking Tour of Sites (No MCLE credit)
Join us after the program for an optional walking tour of the sites near the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. The tour will be guided by John Lupton from the Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission and will last approximately one hour, covering a distance of roughly 1.5 miles. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
John Lupton, Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission, Springfield

The Museum Garage, located at the corner of Madison and Sixth Street, is diagonally across the street from the north side of the Museum and one block north of the Library. It is open from 6:00 am to 10:30 pm. The Museum Garage has a parking kiosk system.

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Program Information:
  • An additional $15 fee is charged for registrations on or after Monday, August 26, 2024
  • Please Note: MCLE credit is available to registrants only on the day of this live event – and you must attend the entire program to earn MCLE credit. All registrants will receive access to a recording of the event a few days after the program, but credit is NOT available for the recording.
  • From time to time at ISBA CLE events, the ISBA, it’s vendor partners, or others may take photographs or video of participants, attendees, and guests for use in their marketing or promotional materials or news publications. By registering for this event, you are consenting to the use of your, and your guests’, photograph, video-recorded likeness, and name without compensation. Any photographs or video taken will be the sole property of the ISBA or entity taking the photograph.